14 Juni 2009


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About Exercise And Healthy Living

We all know that the way to a healthy lifestyle and a better body is to have the perfect balance between exercise and the right food. With the benefits of a longer life, less risk of developing many diseases and a better maintenance of a healthy weight, the pros to a healthy lifestyle are hard to ignore. But you have to remember that eating well and exercises have to go together or you won't accomplish anything.

Lets start off with eating right. Healthy eating is a great opportunity to expand your range of choice by trying a variety of foods that you would not normally eat. Remember that a healthy diet does not mean that you have to eat foods that are bland or unappealing; you just have to eat everything in the right moderation. A healthy diet is one of the most important ways you can maintain an active lifestyle and protect against health problems. To do this, you must not skip meals, you must learn simple ways to prepare food, and you must avoid eating more sugar and learn to listen to your body.

The next important step is fitness. Exercise is an excellent way to lose weight and burn fat, improve fitness and boost energy levels. In your daily routine you should be doing at least 30 minutes or more of moderate-intensity physical activity a day, at lest five times a week. If you can't seem to get yourself up and out, try doing something with a friend. Go for a walk or find a gym or exercise class that you would like to take. Just remember to find an activity that you really enjoy; that way it will be easier to stick with it.

Exercise combined with a healthy diet is the key to reducing weight, reshaping the body and keeping weight off for good. Improved fitness levels and lower body fat will also help reduce the chances of overweight related illness such as heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes. So remember to eat right and exercise daily! Your body will thank you for it.

Walking is the Perfect Exercise For Mind And Body

Out here in Maple Valley, Wa. we are fortunate to have an abundance of walking trails. The one I use most often is the Lake Wilderness trail. It runs around Lake Wildnerness up to the Cedar River Trail and really offers a beautiful view of the lake. But you can find a place to walk no matter where you live. Whether you live in the city, suburbs, or country, you can always find a place to walk, and find your own enjoyment.

I've lived in the city most of my life, and always found a place to walk. I remember many times walking with a childhood friend Bob across town, from West Baltimore to East, a hike of about 10 miles, and walking through the city had it's own pleasures and challenges, but we survived and have good memories of those days.

Walking is, I believe, the great all around exercise. It cost's nothing, just about anyone can do it to some degree, and it's good not just for the body, but for the soul as well. Sometimes when I walk, I do it just for the exercise, and to get out of the house. Other times, I've walked literally for hours when there's some pressing problem or concern that has troubled me, and I am oftentimes able to work through the problem during my walk.

So, if you're not in the habit, get out, take a walk today. You'll feel better, and you just may notice things that you haven't seen in years.

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11 Juni 2009

7 Reasons To Exercise

Many us need to follow an exercise program, in order to remain healthy. Below, you'll find several good reasons why you should start exercising now.

1. Contributes to fat loss It is well proven from scientific research all over the world that physical exercise contributes to weight loss. If you burn more calories than you consume through nutrition, you'll lose weight. When you exercise, you burn more calories than when you don't. It's really simple - the more you exercise,the more weight or fat you'll lose.
2. Prevent disease The chances of developing several various diseases has been proven to decrease when exercising. These diseases include heart disease, cancer, diabetes,and the stroke.

Around 4 out of 5 deaths caused by heart disease and cancer, are linked to factors that include stress and lack of exercise. We all know that diabetes increases the chance for heart attacks and strokes. What this shows, is that many of the risk factors and diseases caused by not exercising are working in conjunction to damage your health. To prevent this from happening, start exercising.

3. Improving disease Many severe and minor diseases can be improved or even healed through regular exercise. These even include the diseases listed above. By following a regular plan, you can also decrease HDL cholesterol levels, decrease triglyceride levels, and decrease your blood pressure as well. Exercising on a regular basis will also reduce the risk of prostate cancer for men, breast and
uterine cancer for women, and much more. All of this is scientifically proven, which is why you should start exercising today.

4. Enhance your state of mind Everyone knows from the many scientific studies that regular exercising will lead to an increased release of endorphins in the body. These chemicals will fight depression and make you feel happy. The body releases these endorphins only 12 minutes into the workout.

There is another chemical known as serotonin that is increased during and after a workout. The increased levels of serotonin in the central nervous system is associated with feelings of well being and decreased mental depression. The chemical can also help you sleep better at night.

5. Enhance your wellness When you are in great shape and well fit, you'll have more energy and you'll notice that your overall mood is improved. You will have experienced that you can stretch beyond your own limits and you know that you can do more than you thought possible.

6. Persistence Exercising regularly will give you more energy, which can help you be more productive at home and at work. Exercising can help give your new goals a sense of purpose and give you something to focus on and aim for. This can help you increase your persistence and prevent you from going off track while you aim for your goal.

7. Social capabilities After a workout on a regular basis you can boost your self esteem. This can help you look better and you'll be more comfortable as well. Exercise will also help you to become more active and meet new people, which will prevent you from feeling isolated and unsupported. Exercise will also increase your interests in sex, and can help you to improve your marriage or your partner relationship.

After knowing all of these tips and reasons to exercise, you shouldn't hesitate to get out there and exercise. You can exercise at home or go out there and join a gym. There are several different ways that you can exercise, all you have to do is select a few that you like. Take a little bit of time out of your day and start exercising - you'll feel better than ever before and your body will thank you.