14 Juni 2009
About Exercise And Healthy Living
Lets start off with eating right. Healthy eating is a great opportunity to expand your range of choice by trying a variety of foods that you would not normally eat. Remember that a healthy diet does not mean that you have to eat foods that are bland or unappealing; you just have to eat everything in the right moderation. A healthy diet is one of the most important ways you can maintain an active lifestyle and protect against health problems. To do this, you must not skip meals, you must learn simple ways to prepare food, and you must avoid eating more sugar and learn to listen to your body.
The next important step is fitness. Exercise is an excellent way to lose weight and burn fat, improve fitness and boost energy levels. In your daily routine you should be doing at least 30 minutes or more of moderate-intensity physical activity a day, at lest five times a week. If you can't seem to get yourself up and out, try doing something with a friend. Go for a walk or find a gym or exercise class that you would like to take. Just remember to find an activity that you really enjoy; that way it will be easier to stick with it.
Exercise combined with a healthy diet is the key to reducing weight, reshaping the body and keeping weight off for good. Improved fitness levels and lower body fat will also help reduce the chances of overweight related illness such as heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes. So remember to eat right and exercise daily! Your body will thank you for it.
Walking is the Perfect Exercise For Mind And Body
I've lived in the city most of my life, and always found a place to walk. I remember many times walking with a childhood friend Bob across town, from West Baltimore to East, a hike of about 10 miles, and walking through the city had it's own pleasures and challenges, but we survived and have good memories of those days.
Walking is, I believe, the great all around exercise. It cost's nothing, just about anyone can do it to some degree, and it's good not just for the body, but for the soul as well. Sometimes when I walk, I do it just for the exercise, and to get out of the house. Other times, I've walked literally for hours when there's some pressing problem or concern that has troubled me, and I am oftentimes able to work through the problem during my walk.
So, if you're not in the habit, get out, take a walk today. You'll feel better, and you just may notice things that you haven't seen in years.
Best Walking Shoes
Article from http://www.articledashboard.com
11 Juni 2009
7 Reasons To Exercise
1. Contributes to fat loss It is well proven from scientific research all over the world that physical exercise contributes to weight loss. If you burn more calories than you consume through nutrition, you'll lose weight. When you exercise, you burn more calories than when you don't. It's really simple - the more you exercise,the more weight or fat you'll lose.
2. Prevent disease The chances of developing several various diseases has been proven to decrease when exercising. These diseases include heart disease, cancer, diabetes,and the stroke.
Around 4 out of 5 deaths caused by heart disease and cancer, are linked to factors that include stress and lack of exercise. We all know that diabetes increases the chance for heart attacks and strokes. What this shows, is that many of the risk factors and diseases caused by not exercising are working in conjunction to damage your health. To prevent this from happening, start exercising.
3. Improving disease Many severe and minor diseases can be improved or even healed through regular exercise. These even include the diseases listed above. By following a regular plan, you can also decrease HDL cholesterol levels, decrease triglyceride levels, and decrease your blood pressure as well. Exercising on a regular basis will also reduce the risk of prostate cancer for men, breast and
uterine cancer for women, and much more. All of this is scientifically proven, which is why you should start exercising today.
4. Enhance your state of mind Everyone knows from the many scientific studies that regular exercising will lead to an increased release of endorphins in the body. These chemicals will fight depression and make you feel happy. The body releases these endorphins only 12 minutes into the workout.
There is another chemical known as serotonin that is increased during and after a workout. The increased levels of serotonin in the central nervous system is associated with feelings of well being and decreased mental depression. The chemical can also help you sleep better at night.
5. Enhance your wellness When you are in great shape and well fit, you'll have more energy and you'll notice that your overall mood is improved. You will have experienced that you can stretch beyond your own limits and you know that you can do more than you thought possible.
6. Persistence Exercising regularly will give you more energy, which can help you be more productive at home and at work. Exercising can help give your new goals a sense of purpose and give you something to focus on and aim for. This can help you increase your persistence and prevent you from going off track while you aim for your goal.
7. Social capabilities After a workout on a regular basis you can boost your self esteem. This can help you look better and you'll be more comfortable as well. Exercise will also help you to become more active and meet new people, which will prevent you from feeling isolated and unsupported. Exercise will also increase your interests in sex, and can help you to improve your marriage or your partner relationship.
After knowing all of these tips and reasons to exercise, you shouldn't hesitate to get out there and exercise. You can exercise at home or go out there and join a gym. There are several different ways that you can exercise, all you have to do is select a few that you like. Take a little bit of time out of your day and start exercising - you'll feel better than ever before and your body will thank you.
10 Juni 2009
5 Tips Easy Ways To Add Exercise To YouR Life
Use your car less
This is the best way to add exercise to your life. How many times do you get in your car only to drive around the corner. Instead of using your car for short trips ride a bike or walk. Your trip probably will not even take any longer since you will not have to fight traffic or search for a parking spot.
Take a parking spot further back
If you must take your car, choose a parking spot closer to the back of the lot. The few extra feet you have to walk will add up and your car will be less likely to get door dings
Use the stairs
Instead of taking the escalator, use the stairs. It doesn't take much longer and stair climbing is one of the best ways to build leg muscle. Its amazing how popular stair climbers are at the gym but at the mall the stairs are almost always empty.
Go for a walk at lunch
After you finish eating you lunch, spend the rest of your lunch hour walking. It doesn't matter if you take a walk in the park or simply walk around your office building. The exercise will revive you and help your food settle.
Play outdoor games,
It's all in the mind
When you bring everything down to simple plumbing, the whole question of erectile dysfunction gets easier to understand. It's all to do with pumps and valves. When the arteries dilate, the blood flows into the penis. As it swells, the pressure shuts off the veins that would drain the blood out and, before you can say Jack Robinson (sometimes say it several times), you have an erection. If the problem is with the plumbing, the little blue pill is effective and dilates the right arteries. And, in the majority of cases, the problem is with the plumbing, so it's easily fixed. Unfortunately, the plumbing system sits in a building and there can be problems with the owner. For the whole thing to work, the owner has to want it to work. He has to want to respond to the sexual stimulation. Erections do not happen by accident. They reflect the mind.
This brings the bad news. If the cause of the erectile dysfunction is psychological, trying to rely on the little blue pill is not only a waste of time, it is also going to add a new layer of performance anxiety to the man's list of problems. The truth is that if a man is seriously depressed or has gone through an extremely stressful situation, there may be no enthusiasm for sex. Now add in all the other possibilities, like there are religious or cultural reasons why the man might find the idea of sex inappropriate or distasteful, and the likelihood of an erection recedes into the distance. Worse, suppose the man has been sexually abused or his first experiences with a woman left his self-confidence shattered. If the mind and the body cannot work together, sexual relationships are not going to be a success.
For once, it's actually more appropriate to talk about love rather than sex which tends to be the more mechanical form. When two people are in love, they are more relaxed and the relationship develops more naturally. There is more trust and fewer inhibitions. When the man is depressed, trust in self is lost. The antidepressants often have impotence as a side effect. So therapy rather than drugs is the better route. Once therapy begin to lift the depression and change attitudes towards sex, there will be a time to buy viagra. Self-knowledge and understanding can help someone back into a relationship. Assuming that the partner is still willing, an active sex life can be resumed. In its own right, this decision needs to be planned. Performance anxiety needs to be addressed and viagra is a reliable drug to produce the erection once the mind is willing. Not everyone can recover from a depression and still make the relationship work. But once trust begins to return, the chances are good.
09 Juni 2009
Some Quick Exercise And Fitness Tips
While low carb diets are popular, carbohydrates are necessary in your diet. The right amount of carbohydrate intake can help you with your fitness goals, and is something you should discuss with your doctor.
If it’s mass you want, don’t add calories from just any source. You want muscle bulk, not fat. Find out what sources give you the most useful calories, not just the quickest calories.
Don’t fall into the trap of quick solutions. You probably know that steroids quickly build bulk, but they are ridiculously bad for you. Don’t sacrifice your health to a quick way to build your body. Work hard to achieve your goals honestly and healthily.
Talk to your doctor before starting any fitness regimen and keep him or her updated as you make changes. Your doctor may have some great tips for you so that you get fit the healthiest way possible. They can help with exercise plans, diet plans and vitamin supplement selections.
Don’t believe everything you hear or read about supplements. Many make claims that have not been properly evaluated. Some can even be detrimental to your fitness goals. Research your supplements carefully and ask your doctor when in doubt.
Maintaining a good fitness level does a lot to improve your life overall. You’re less likely to get sick and you’ll probably recover faster when you do get sick. You can cut your risk of heart disease, diabetes, stroke, cancer and other diseases by keeping fit. Beyond that, you’ll just feel better and have more energy.
One of the best things about keeping fit these days is the wide range of regimens to choose from. It’s not just aerobics or weight lifting any more. You can find exercises that you love to do. Loving your fitness regimen will make it much easier to stick with it.
08 Juni 2009
Energy System During Exercise
Aerobic exercises which are generally performed at a slower pace and with less effort usually burn a greater degree of fat. Fat is a slow-burning fuel which requires oxygen and exercising at lower effort enables the cells to use this energy more efficiently, meaning a greater percentage of fat can be burned, up to 70% of total energy used when exercising aerobically. Obviously some people will have greater fitness levels and able to workout at a higher rate of effort and still be exercising aerobically, this will allow the fitter person to burn more calories. An example of this would be an experienced long distance runner. They are very lean because they burn lots of energy and still use mostly fat even though training is fairly intense. Individual fitness levels mean it is important to workout within your own Target Heart Rate when trying to lose fat weight. Or as a beginner a good tip to use when exercising is to make sure you can still manage a conversation during a workout. In other words you want breathing to be deeper than normal but not out of breathe so you cannot talk.
Protein is also burned during exercise but this is usually a small percentage. Protein usage may increase to as much as 20% during high intensity training. However again bear in mind that exercising at such high levels of effort are not maintained for long so the actual amount of protein used for energy will still be small in comparison to carbohydrates and fats.
At this stage you may be thinking that the best way to burn fat is to hardly move so the energy system shifts towards higher degree of fat burning. Yes good thinking, in fact resting will shift the energy system into fat burning mode but because there are so few calories burned at rest it doesn’t contribute to effective weight loss. Remember calories do count so if you’re consuming 2500 calories per day but only using up 2000 then you will still gain weight, even if most of those calories come from fat stores. All extra energy will simply be converted into fat for storage replacement. For this reason there needs to be a happy medium between using up excess fat stores when exercising and burning enough calories so you always remain in a state of negative energy balance (more calories used up than taken in).
There are a few “experts” that say as long as you’re burning more calories it shouldn’t matter what type of fuel is burned, thus high energy exercises would be great for a dieter to lose weight. I disagree with this point, I believe if anaerobic exercise makes up the majority of exercises in your regime then most energy burned will come from carbs. This will drive appetite and encourage sugar cravings in order to replace the glycogen stores used, forcing the dieter to consume more calories. I believe many dieters struggle with cravings and overeating so anything which may cause an upset cannot be good. With aerobic exercise it helps regulate the appetite because glycogen stores are not reduced rapidly. Another point is that for the less fit individual anaerobic exercise is just too intense forcing the body to work very hard thus requiring longer for recovery. This could mean fewer workouts per week resulting in less energy burned over a greater time span. Aerobic exercise often helps people feel more energetic and motivated to workout again within a day or two.
Anaerobic exercise can be great for results but I believe this mainly applies to those with average to good fitness levels. The only exception is doing a weights session a few times per week purely to help boost or maintain lean mass and a higher metabolism. Otherwise I think the major part of an exercise regime should be made up of aerobic exercises, especially for the first 3 months of starting a weight loss program.
07 Juni 2009
Exercising Vs High Blood Pressure
Before you begin a new exercising program, check your blood pressure at a doctor’s office or hospital regularly. If your numbers are consistently 180/110 mm Hg or higher, you should take steps to reduce this to a more normal level before doing any kind of intense exercise or training. The same is true if your blood pressure is moderately high but you suffer from other conditions, such as diabetes or breathing problems. However, even at this point, you can begin an exercise program by simply doing less-intense motor activities such as walking. Once you have your blood pressure more under control, your goal should be about 30 minutes of physical activity for five days out of the week. This means that you should break a sweat and be slightly out of breath, but there is no need to overdo it.
There are, however, certain activities that people with high blood pressure should avoid in order to reduce the risk of worsening the condition. Lifting weights is the most popular example. Because this is very stressful on the heart, if you have high blood pressure, weight training is discouraged. Highly intensive cardiovascular workouts are also not good for people with high blood pressure, as blood pressure levels rise significantly after very difficult physical strains on your body, and these higher levels could be very dangerous in someone who already has high blood pressure. A good rule of thumb is to simply know your own body. Push yourself in your training, but don’t overdo it.
Yoga and other Eastern slow-movement exercise routines are especially useful for people with high blood pressure, as they tend to work the body in a more heart-friendly way. Warm up and cool down for these, as well as any exercise program is very important. While you may primarily think of warm up and cool down times as preventative measures you take to avoid cramps and injuries, remember that the heart is a muscle too. By warming up and cooling down, you slowly raise and lower your blood pressure, rather than causing dangerous spikes.
There is almost no one in the world who cannot benefit from moderate exercise. If you get little or no exercise currently, speak to you doctor about finding a routine that is right for you. Over time, exercise cannot only help you lower your weight and cholesterol, but also your blood pressure. Exercise promotes a healthy lifestyle in general, and so by choosing a program that fits your needs you can live longer and be more healthy than you have ever been before.
04 Juni 2009
How to Get Started With Exercise
Aqua aerobics is not as taxing on the muscles and joints as certain other aerobic activities, and it also tones and strengthens your muscles too, whilst at the same time increasing endurance and building stamina. If you're learning aqua aerobics by yourself, there are various instructional materials across a variety of formats available online and in most book stores. The routines involved will be tiered by difficulty and will be fun and easy to get you started. It is also common for them to be set to motivational music to really keep you pumping during your work out. Aqua aerobics is different to most similar exercises, and uses techniques like Pilates style movements to gently control the toning and strengthening of muscle groups, above water level and below water routines, and interval style work outs for cardio training and muscle sculpting. Any aqua aerobics lesson in your area will be taught by a certified instructor who will show you the most effective ways to get yourself into shape. Aqua aerobics burns as many, if not more calories than a traditional aerobic exercise program, and it also helps keep you cool while you work out!
Aqua aerobics classes are suitable for all age groups, regardless of physical health condition. Less strenuous classes are also available for the elderly, as well as specific classes for mothers to be. The only equipment you'll need is your swimsuit and your towel! Aqua aerobics boasts many advantages, and should be a serious consideration for anyone looking for some variety in their exercise routines. It is also a great option for those looking to get started in aerobics. Why not go with a friend, or exercise as a family? You can take an aqua aerobics class just about anywhere, so why not visit some of the numerous online sites about aqua aerobics for information on how best to enjoy aerobics and for some tips and techniques to keep this fun exercise exciting and effective, every single day.
02 Juni 2009
Flexibility Just In Five Minutes A Day
Conditions in prison were terrible and several times she came close to death. Describing one on her lowest points, when she barely had the strength to stand, she writes:
“...I thought that if I was going to survive the Cultural Revolution, I must discipline myself with physical and mental exercise. Inspired by my own resolution, I stood up rather abruptly. Dark shadows almost blinded me, and I had to sit down again. But from that day onward, I devised a series of exercises that moved every part of my body from my head to my toes, and did them twice a day. At first the exercise exhausted me, and I had to interrupt it with frequent periods of rest. Also I had to avoid the prying eyes of the guards, as exercise other than a few minutes of walking in the cell after meals was forbidden. Nevertheless, I managed to exercise each day and after a few months recovered my physical strength somewhat, as well as my feeling of well-being.”
Several years later, the political situation in China shifted and Ms. Cheng was released from prison. Despite all the hardships she had been through, her health quickly improved. Her friends commented that she looked much younger than her actual age. Eventually she moved to the United States.
It was fascinating for me to read about Ms Cheng’s system of movement exercises because it closely parallels a procedure described in the book “How to Learn the Alexander Technique - A Manual for Students” by Barbara and William Conable. This book emphasizes a procedure the Canables have named “body-mapping” - essentially a systematic process of exploring on your own body precisely how the major joints and muscle groups work.
This is not the sort of study one usually associates with anatomy - what I think of as “anatomy at a distance”, that is learning about the human body without relating it to the body of the student who is doing the learning. Nor is it at all like the detailed study of cadavers done in medical schools.
Body-mapping is all about the practical application of basic anatomical knowledge to yourself as a living organism, learning about how you function at rest and in movement.
In their book, the Conables write:
“In recent years some (Alexander Technique) students have expressed a longing to do flexibility work but have assumed they couldn’t devote enough time to it. To one of these students I said one day, ‘Well, you could do worse than simply put your joints through their range of movement each day.’ He came back a week later and said, ‘I did what you suggested and it was amazing.’ “What was that?’ I asked. ‘Put my joints through their range of motion each day.’ He showed me how much flexibility he had gained in a week doing that, and we began to systematically play with the idea. Sure enough, it works like magic and takes only about five minutes a day, with no necessity that the five minutes be consecutive. The student simply begins with the joint of the head and the spine...rotating the head and tilting, then moves on the the jaw...then on to the ribs, moving them at their joints with the vertebrae by taking a good breath. Then the student moves all four joints of the arm structure and the hand joints. Then the spine, bending forward, backward, to each side, spiraling, and twisting. Then the hip joint, knee, and ankle and the foot joints. That’s it. Done correctly this routine increases flexibility faster than anything I know, and I have wondered and wondered why. I now think two factors contribute, first the quality of attention brought to the movement, which is the kind of attention that makes it possible for the body to learn from each movement. Second, some of the movements are ones that many people rarely make, like rotation at the upper arm joint with the shoulder blade and rotation at the hip joint. The body seems to delight in these movements and the availability seems to free the joint.”
If you’d like to become more flexible, the experiences of Ms Cheng and of Baraba Connable’s students point to a simple, efficient and effective way to achieve that goal.
“Life and Death in Shanghai” by Nien Cheng was first published by Grove Press, New York, 1986. It is currently available in a paperback edition. The quote cited above is found on page 203.