So you have generated leads online or possibly purchased network marketing leads. The next step is to create a marketing funnel that keeps in contact with these prospects. You can achieve this by using the secret tool most network marketers do not use: an auto-responder.
An auto-responder gives the opportunity to setup a group of automated e-mails that go out to your prospects over a period of time. At the same time you can create some broadcast e-mails whenever you come across something that you feel would provide value for your followers.
In your messages you can share tips, book reviews about network marketing and other information that would be of use to them. I know one network marketer that creates many videos on network marketing topics and then sends an e-mail to his list with the title and link to the video. Another network marketer sends e-mails with the topic of their new blog post where he provides useful tips.
The auto-responder gives you the opportunity to build rapport with your followers while at the same time marketing valuable tools to them that would benefit them. In this way you can also generate compensation for your work. Just don't send an e-mail with sales pitches because people will unsubscribe from your list.
As you are building a relationship with them you want to engage the prospect so that they contact you.
An auto-responder is a very powerful tool when you learn how to follow-up with your prospects by providing them valuable information and building a relationship with them.
An auto-responder gives the opportunity to setup a group of automated e-mails that go out to your prospects over a period of time. At the same time you can create some broadcast e-mails whenever you come across something that you feel would provide value for your followers.
In your messages you can share tips, book reviews about network marketing and other information that would be of use to them. I know one network marketer that creates many videos on network marketing topics and then sends an e-mail to his list with the title and link to the video. Another network marketer sends e-mails with the topic of their new blog post where he provides useful tips.
The auto-responder gives you the opportunity to build rapport with your followers while at the same time marketing valuable tools to them that would benefit them. In this way you can also generate compensation for your work. Just don't send an e-mail with sales pitches because people will unsubscribe from your list.
As you are building a relationship with them you want to engage the prospect so that they contact you.
An auto-responder is a very powerful tool when you learn how to follow-up with your prospects by providing them valuable information and building a relationship with them.
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